Monday, April 11, 2016

Food - Fun - Networking - Panel Discussion - Wine tasting - Swag

(Witness Innovative Networking w/EDSA)
Annual Event

When:                Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time:                 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Ticket Price:   $80 4/11- 4/21
$85 4/22 - 4/23

How to Pay
Use Friends and Family 

Your payment is your RSVP. Once payment is made you will receive an email with the event address (about 10 minutes from the USC campus at the home of Dr. Carbone)

Note:    An EdD may bring a paid guest who is not an EdD. Please encourage your Rossier instructors to attend as well!

Food - Fun - Networking - Panel Discussion - Wine tasting - Swag