Saturday, August 2, 2014

Elections for New Officers

EDSA is looking for applications to join the board for the 2014/2015 academic year. We are recruiting people for the following positions:
  • Hawaii Cohort Representative - This is a new position that will represent the Hawaii students' interests and help to build a stronger connection between EDSA and the Hawaii campus.  Responsible for attending virtual board meetings (once a month).
  • 2014 Cohort Representative - Must be in the first year of the EdD program in order to represent the interests of new students. Responsible for attending virtual board meetings (once a month) and quarterly in-person meetings near the Los Angeles campus.
  • Finance Chair - Ensures that requests for funding are submitted in an accurate and timely manner. Responsible for attending virtual board meetings (once a month) and quarterly in-person meetings near the Los Angeles campus.
Anyone who is interested should submit an application using this form as well as a brief bio describing why you are interested in joining EDSA and why you feel that you would be good in the role (approximately 100 words) to