Fellow EdD'ers
Below is a message from Martin Jauregui, President of Education Graduate Organization (EGO), the umbrella organization for Rossier student organizations, regarding an opportunity to represent the Rossier School of Education in Graduate Student Government.
Hello Fellow Students,
You may or may not be aware that EGO and the school of education are represented at monthly Graduate Student Government (GSG) meetings by student senators. Each month, our senators join student representatives from across the university to discuss and vote on issues that pertain to the graduate student community.
At the moment, we are looking to fill our 4 student senator positions and we need your help in finding people who might be willing to volunteer for the position. The GSG senate meetings take place once a month on Monday evenings (6pm) at either the Radisson Hotel next door to The Lab, or on the Health Science Campus. Dinner is always provided, and it is a great opportunity to get involved in student leadership.
If you are interested in the position, please email me directly (jauregum@usc.edu) or the general EGO email (usc.ego@gmail.com). Instructions are included on the attached flyer.
Thank you all for your help and support.